Sunday, October 25, 2009

And I'm out...

Well, I got a lot farther than I thought I would. I started to fizzle at ten, but at least I made it another two hours. so, that's sixteen hours total. I think I've read the same chapter three times now of "Dewey, library wonder kitty" (or something like that). At least I got about 35 pages in.

Time for sleep. If I get up early enough tomorrow, I'll maybe squeeze a few more pages in.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

And That makes four

Just finished "Persepolis 1".

Oy vey. I'm surprised I made it this far.

Total pages read: 1035.

I rock.

Awesome sauce

Well, one baked cake and a wendy's run later, I have finished "The Color of Magic".

So that brings my total up to:

Pages Read: 882

Listend to: 26

I rock! Time for some popcorn, then onto Persopolis!

And then there were two...

All right, second book finished- "The Long Halloween".

Total pages read: 673

Total pages listened to: 26

Next up: The color of magic!

One Book Down!

All right, I have finished my first book (Pride Prejudice Zombies) and took a moment to do a few tasks around the house while listening to "The Pit and the Pendulum"

Brings the Total to:

Pages Read: 317

Pages Listened to: 28

On to the Long Halloween!

And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Well, I have returned from my walk, and the Ibuprophen is in full effect. I have my cup of lemon ginger tea, and I'm ready to read!

While walking, listened to three Poe pieces (Alone, To-----, and Fall of the House of Usher). By my Poe Compilation, that's 16 pages of material.

Read So Far:
194 pages

Heard so far:
16 pages

I travel ever on!

T Minus 21 Hours

Well, I have finished 194 pages of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". My brain is starting to hurt, so it's off to the store for something to drink and some more ibuprophen (of all the times for me to start getting a migraine!!! Again). Thank goodness for e-books. So, in honor of Halloween/Samhain, I shall listen to some uplifting Poe.

I seem to have a weird Halloween theme going on here. Batman and the Long Halloweedn is up next.

See you in 60!

T Minus 22 Hours

Am now on page 128 of "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". It's Jane Austin... only kick ass!!! I am also fastly down loading some Edgar Allen Poe to go walking with later. May have to switch up books soon to keep myself on task.

Go me!

T Minus 23 Hours...

Well, I'm 57 pages into "Pride and PRejusice and Zombies". Hmmm... planned to be a little further a long. That will teach me to stop for breakfast!!!! Dang you to heck, need to eat!!!

And we're off...

A few minutes late, but still present and accounted for. To begin, we shall read something light: "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies".


Thursday, October 22, 2009

T Minus 1 Day, 18 Hours, and 18 minutes...

Well, Lauri told me about this 24 hour reading contest. So, from here, y'all can see what I'm doing. Once this migraine passes, I'm off to the library to stock up on some books. The pile I plan to read through so far:

- Persopolis 1
- Persopolis 2
- Mother Goose
- Wizard of Oz
- The Color of Magic
- The Light Fantastic
- Abarat
- Dewey: the small town cat who touched the world
- Batman: the Long Halloween

Go me!
